出生年份: 年
擅 长: 国画
毕业院校: 上海市美术专科学校
创作年代 | 尺寸 | 67*67cm | |
材质 | 装裱 | ||
题材 | 所属系列 | 《中国风---周根宝戏曲人物作品集》在线 | |
作品描述 | 《红梅阁》,这是昆曲“李慧娘”戏中之一出。 主要展示了李慧娘在判官指引下来到红梅阁这个地方,向宰相贾似道索命报仇的情景。画家首先以铿锵有力、纵横交叉的浓墨来刻画判官的善良正直,接着又以行云流水般的线条来描绘李慧娘如泣如诉的意境。^_^Hong Mei Ge As part of "Li Huiniang", it describes Li with hell judger's help tries to punish Jia Shidao at Red Plum Pavilion. Stroked with heavy ink, the hell judger is symbolized as good and honest while the soft, water-like lines delineates the sadness of Li Huiniang. 《戏曲人物》 戏曲是中国传统的戏剧形式,是包含文学、音乐、舞蹈、美术、武术、杂技以及表演艺术各种因素综合而成的。戏曲中的人物有生、旦、净、丑等角色。 阿豹在他的戏曲人物画中,以自己独特的艺术语言,诠释最能体现人物个性的经典情节,画面笔墨收放自如、动静相宜、虚实相间。^_^Chinese Opera Figures Chinese Opera is a traditional theatrical form including literature, music, dance, fine arts, martial arts, acrobatics and performing arts. The characters in various operas are categorized as sheng(mail roles), dan(female roles), jing(roles with painted faces) and chou(a comic character). The artist, Abao, depicts those roles with best personalities inside the classic plots by using his unique art interpretation. The brush strokes in his hand show the balance of control and unrestrained, dynamic and static, coarse and exquisite. |
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