出生年份: 年
擅 长: 国画
毕业院校: 上海市美术专科学校
创作年代 | 尺寸 | 84*81cm | |
材质 | 装裱 | ||
题材 | 所属系列 | 《中国风---周根宝戏曲人物作品集》在线 | |
作品描述 | 《尤三姐》,《红楼梦》一书中尤氏继母带来的女儿。尤三姐是尤二姐的妹妹,长相风流标致,她又偏爱打扮,自有一种万人不及的风情仪态。贾珍、贾琏、贾蓉等好色之徒对她颇为垂涎。但尤三姐不愿像姐姐那样遭人玩弄,她性格泼辣,以死捍卫自己的清白。此剧是旦角必修之戏,当年沪上名令董芝苓有极佳表演。^_^You SanJie You shi, an inspiring playwrite at the time for Shanghai guild, performed by an awe-inspiring actor named Dong Zhiling. The story depicts an exquizitly beautiful young actress and the suitors who fancy her. Among them were three suitors involved each equally interested in the girl. As the men resort to violence to settle the matter, the young lady proves her beauty is not only skin deep and her kind-hearted compassion is enough to settle the matter. |
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