出生年份: 年
擅 长: 国画
毕业院校: 上海市美术专科学校
创作年代 | 尺寸 | 98*168cm | |
材质 | 装裱 | ||
题材 | 所属系列 | 《中国风---周根宝戏曲人物作品集》在线 | |
作品描述 | 《长坂坡》,传统京剧,保留剧目,故事中蜀国大将赵云单骑救主,历来为人们津津乐道。此画正是描绘赵子龙在断壁残垣中找到了受伤的糜夫人与幼主阿斗后。糜夫人为了不连累赵云,决然离去投井。赵云无奈,怀抱阿斗继续投入恶战之中。大将张飞在长坂坡桥头迎候赵云,曹操大兵追来,张飞大喝三声,声如雷霆……^_^Chang Ban Po A traditonal repertoire performed in Traditional peking Opera the take of a heirachical Army Gemeral Zhao YunQi of the Shu Dynasty. The artwork depicts a scence where the Genera encounters his observing lady after in battle. In order to not jepordise Zhao Yunqi, the lady flees the wall which she observed him from a But the General devotes his effections and continues on in his battle against the on slaught of General Feis advancing forces, bearing down on General zhao. Sounds similar to thunder crashing in the sky. |
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