出生年份: 年
擅 长: 国画
毕业院校: 上海市美术专科学校
创作年代 | 尺寸 | 84*81cm | |
材质 | 装裱 | ||
题材 | 所属系列 | 《中国风---周根宝戏曲人物作品集》在线 | |
作品描述 | 《程夫人闹朝》,又称《花打朝》,川剧中有此剧目,原山东梆子剧目,是中国戏曲中的喜剧经典。 剧情是唐朝罗成之子罗通出征凯旋,因得罪国舅苏定方,被唐王判斩。人称程七奶奶的程咬金之妻,义愤之下,大闹金殿,最后唐王醒悟,赦罗通、惩国舅。 此画用没骨画法,表现程夫人的英姿,神态,夸张,入木三分。^_^Cheng Fu Ren Nao Chao From Sichuan opera but was originally a play from Shandong, is the Chinese traditional opera classic comedic style play. Set during the Tang Dynasty, the drama depicts LuoCheng's son LuoTong triumphant return from battle.At that time Queen's brother had committed crimes against the state, and was subsequently preparing the death penalty. Mrs. Cheng called out in pain, anger, and anguish in front of all dignitaries and begged them all for mercy. Due to her profound performance and exaggeration, the King reconsidered the punishment and allowed her husband to live. |
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