出生年份: 年
擅 长: 国画
毕业院校: 上海市美术专科学校
创作年代 | 尺寸 | 84*81cm | |
材质 | 装裱 | ||
题材 | 所属系列 | 《中国风---周根宝戏曲人物作品集》在线 | |
作品描述 | 《武戏印象》。 以武功为主的戏,称为武戏。它与“文戏”相对,在京剧、武戏的剧目很多。如“三岔口”、“铜网阵”、“长坂坡”等。它的特点是展示戏剧情节同时加上大段的武功表演,如“小翻”“踢枪”等,把传统的中国武术舞蹈化,是生活中格斗场面的高度提炼,在舞台上的武功表演分为二大类,一是“把子功”二是“毯子功”。凡用刀、枪、剑戟等兵器的称把子功,在毯子上翻滚跌扑为毯子功。常常在武戏激烈时,可谓只见刀光不见人影,画武戏正是重在表现这种感觉。^_^Wu Xi Yin Xiang It and "literature" relative in nature to the nature of acrobats displayed in plays such as "San Cha Kou "Tong Wang Zhen", "Chang Ban Po", etc. It is to show the characteristics of the drama at the same time the section of the plot performances, such as "somersaults" "spin the top" and so on. The traditional Chinese martial arts of dance. life is often considered to be the height of the fighting scenes, on the stage performances into two categories, one is "Ba Zi Gong" the second is "TanZi Gong". All guns, sword and big weapons are used in "Ba Zi Gong" style, while somersults and flips are part of the "Tanzi Gong". Often in the peak of one's performance in a play, it may look as though the instrument has disappeared in the fierce movement, but it is just reflected in this scene by giving people the feeling. |
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